[photo, Charles E. Sydnor III, Maryland State Senator] CHARLES E. SYDNOR III
Democrat, District 44, Baltimore County

Member of Senate since January 8, 2020. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 2020- (member, work group on COVID-19 & housing, 2020); Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, 2020-; Joint Committee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology and Biotechnology, 2020-; Joint Committee on Ending Homelessness, 2020-.

Member, State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 2020-. Vice-Chair, Law Enforcement Body Camera Task Force, 2020-.

Member of House of Delegates, January 14, 2015 to January 2020. Deputy Majority Whip, 2019. Member, Judiciary Committee, 2015-19 (chair, civil law & procedure subcommittee, 2017-18, member, 2015-18; chair, criminal justice subcommittee, 2019, member, 2015-20; member, juvenile law subcommittee, 2019); Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 2019; Study Group on Economic Stability, 2019. Member, Punitive Damages Work Group, 2016-17. Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2015-20 (parliamentarian, 2016-20).

Member, Commission Regarding the Implementation and Use of Body Cameras by Law Enforcement Officers, 2015-16; Task Force to Study Crime Classification and Penalties, 2019-20; Criminal Justice Information Advisory Board, 2019-20; State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 2019-20.

Member, Citizens Advisory Committee, Chesapeake Executive Council, 2007-12; Citizens Advisory Council for the Baltimore Corridor Transit Study - Red Line, 2009-13; Consumer Council, Office of Attorney General, 2010-12.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 18, 1974. Attended Baltimore Polytechnic Institute; The Johns Hopkins University, B.A. (history), 1996; University of Maryland Baltimore County, M.A. (policy science), 2000; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 2000. Law clerk to Judge William D. Quarles, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 2000-01. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2001; District of Columbia Bar, 2002; U.S. Supreme Court, 2005. Senior Attorney, Enterprise Community Partners, Inc., 2001-. Member, American Bar Association; Maryland State Bar Association; Baltimore County Bar Association. Member, Omicron Delta Kappa, Inc., 1995-. Board of Directors, Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc., 2001-03 (legal committee, 2001-). Founding member, Board of Directors, The Royal Theater and Community Heritage Corporation. Advisory Committee, Children's Hospital at Sinai, 2005-06. Life member, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Associate general counsel, Alpha Phi Alpha Education Foundation, Inc., 2006-09. Member, American Constitution Society, 2011-; Baltimore County Democratic Central Committee, 2014-. Public Service Award, University of Maryland School of Law, 2002. Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2012. Married; three children.

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