[photo, Sarah K. Elfreth, Maryland State Senator] SARAH K. ELFRETH
Democrat, District 30, Anne Arundel County

Member of Senate since January 9, 2019. Member, Budget and Taxation Committee, 2019- (capital budget subcommittee, 2019; education, business & administration subcommittee, 2019-; chair, pensions subcommittee, 2020-, member, 2019-). Senate Chair, Joint Committee on the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Areas, 2019-. Member, Joint Committee on Ending Homelessness, 2019-. Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 2020-; Special Joint Committee on Pensions, 2020- (member, 2019-). Member, Work Group to Study Shelter and Supportive Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Minors, 2019-20; Senate President’s Advisory Work Group on Equity and Inclusion, 2020-21. Member, Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2019-; Women Legislators of Maryland, 2019-.

Member, State Commission on the Capital City, 2019-; Chesapeake Bay Commission, 2019-; Chesapeake Conservation Corps Program Board, 2020-; Oyster Advisory Commission, 2020-.

Student member, Board of Regents, University System of Maryland, 2009-10.

Towson University, B.A. (political science), 2010; The Johns Hopkins University, M.P.P. (public policy, education policy, social policy), 2012. Research assistant, The Johns Hopkins University, Office of Government and Community Affairs, 2010-12. Director, Government Affairs, National Aquarium, 2010-12. Senior Director of University Projects, Margrave Strategies, 2016-17. Emerge Maryland, 2013. Board of Directors, Towson University Alumni Association, 2013-15. Member, Maryland Government Relations Association, 2013-. Vice-President, Ward One Residents Association at Annapolis, 2014-. President, District 30 Democratic Club, 2015-. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2020. Distinguished Alumnus Award, Towson University Honors College, 2014. Top 20 in Their Twenties, Daily Record, 2014. Fannie Lou Hamer Award, Anne Arundel County Martin Luther King, Jr., Committee, 2017.

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