Maryland Manual On-Line, 2021

August 4, 2021

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Brian J. Feldman, Co-Chair (chosen by Senate President & House Speaker)
Ariana B. Kelly, Co-Chair (chosen by Senate President & House Speaker)

[photo, Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle (from College Ave.), Annapolis, Maryland] Appointed by Senate President: Brian J. Feldman

Appointed by House Speaker: Ariana B. Kelly

Appointed by Senate President & House Speaker: Tamela E. Bresnahan; Cindy Carter; Sarah F. Fink; Jeffrey Hayes; Clinton Macsherry; Ruth Martin; Edward Steinberg; DeLinda H. Washington; Caryn C. M. Aslan York.

Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle (from College Ave.), Annapolis, Maryland, December 2003. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Ex officio: Bernadette T. Benik, designee of Comptroller of Maryland; Sarah F. Dufresne, designee of State Treasurer; Matthew S. Helminiak, Commissioner of Labor & Industry; Judith Vaughan-Prather, Executive Director, Maryland Commission for Women.

Staff: Laura H. Atas; Heather N. Ruby; David A. Smulski.

c/o Department of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5350, (410) 946-5510

In June 2016, the Task Force to Study Family and Medical Leave Insurance was created (Chapters 677 & 678, Acts of 2016).

First, the Task Force studied existing family and medical leave insurance programs in other states and the District of Columbia; reviewed the 2016 studies on family and medical leave implementation done by Minnesota, Connecticut, and Montgomery County, Maryland; and reviewed the final report of the Task Force to Study Temporary Disability Insurance Programs and the Process for Assisting Individuals with Disabilities at Local Departments of Social Services.

Next, public testimony was heard by the Task Force, and then the Task Force made recommendations for development of a State social insurance program to provide short-term benefits to eligible employees who lose wages due to nonwork-related illness or injury; pregnancy or childbirth; caregiving for seriously ill family member; and other specified causes. Also, the Task Force was to recommend a design for such an insurance pool, including tax rates and benefits.

The Task Force consisted of fifteen members. One was appointed by the Senate President, one by the House Speaker, and nine were appointed jointly by the President and Speaker, who also jointly selected the co-chairs. Four members serve ex officio.

In December 2017, the Task Force submitted its report.

Authorization for the Task Force ended June 30, 2018.

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