Appointed by Governor to 3-year terms: Halima Amjad, M.D.; Arnold B. Bakker, Ph.D.; Jacqueline M. Bateman, D.N.P.; Cynthia D. Fields, M.D.; Shannon Grogg, Pharm.D.; Ernestine Jones Jolivet; Mary R. Jones; Andre O. McDonald, Esq.; Evie Vander Meer; Sue M. Paul; Nancy Rodriguez-Weller; Andres Salazar, M.D.; Dawn E. Seek; Claudia C. Thorne, Ph.D. Terms expire 2024.
Appointed by Senate President: Malcolm L. Augustine
Appointed by House Speaker: Sheree L. Sample-Hughes
Ex officio: Carol E. (Liz) Woodward, designee of Secretary of Aging; Pamela R. Williams, designee of Secretary of Health; David J. McShea, Executive Director, Greater Maryland Chapter, Alzheimer's Association ; Ana Nelson, designee of Executive Director, National Capital Area Chapter, Alzheimer's Association.
301 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland, November 2003. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Herbert R. O'Conor State Office Building, 201 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland, October 2019. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Beginning in July 2019, the Council charge was expanded to update and advocate for the Maryland State Plan on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders. In addition, the Council will examine the needs of individuals with Alzheimer's Disease and related disorders as well as their caregivers to identify how the State can assist most effectively. On policy, funding, and other issues relating to Alzheimer's, the Council is to advise the Governor and General Assembly. It also will develop and promote strategies that encourage brain health and reduce cognitive decline.
Originally to report by September 30, 2016, authorization for the Council in 2016 was extended to September 30, 2019. Also in 2016, three members were added to the Council (Chapter 75, Acts of 2016). In 2019, authorization for the Council again was extended, to September 30, 2024, and other changes made (Chapters 410 & 411, Acts of 2019).
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