ERIK S. ATAS, Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since January 12, 2021.

Special Assistant, Office of Secretary, Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, 2003. Assistant Public Defender, Office of Public Defender, Baltimore City, 2006-12

Born in Baltimore, Maryland. Attended Gilman School, Baltimore, Maryland; University of Maryland Baltimore County, B.A. (history) 2003; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 2006. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2006; U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 2013. Associate, Zirkin and Schmerling Law, 2013-21. Member, Maryland State Bar Association, 2013-; Baltimore City Bar Association, 2013- (co-chair, criminal law section, 2019-; council, 2020-); Baltimore County Bar Association, 2013-; Maryland Association for Justice, 2013- (chair & co-chair, criminal law section, 2014-20; board of governors, 2016-17; co-chair, education & programming committee, 2017-; foundation, 2018-); American Association for Justice, 2016-17; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association, 2016-. Adjunct professor, Carroll Community College, 2014-16. Board of Directors, Maryland Youth and the Law, 2016-. Volunteer moot court judge. Volunteer Attorney, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service, 2017-21.Board of Directors, Gaudenzia, 2019-. Board of Directors, Baltimore Tennis Patrons, 2016-17. Community Quarterback Award, Baltimore Ravens, 2018. Simon K. Walton Civil Justice Award, Maryland Association for Justice, 2018. Volunteer of the Month, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service, October 2018. Advancement of Public Understanding of the Law Award, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2019.

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