[photo, Mary Pat Clarke, City Council, Baltimore, Maryland] MARY PAT CLARKE
Member, City Council (Democrat), 1991-2020

Member, City Council, Baltimore, December 1991 to December 10, 2020 (representing District 2, 1975-83; president, 1987-95; representing District 14, Dec. 9, 2004 to Dec. 8, 2020). Member, Urban Affairs and Aging Committee, 2007-16; Budget and Appropriations Committee, 2010-11; Judiciary and Legislative Investigations Committee, 2010-19 (member, 2007-19); Land Use and Transportation Committee, 2010-19; Labor Committee, 2011-20. Vice-Chair, Education and Youth Committee (formerly Education Committee), 2016-20 (chair, 2007-16; past vice-chair, education, housing, health & human services committee). Member, Executive Appointments Committee, 2016-20. Vice-Chair, Judiciary Committee, 2019-20. Member, Health Committee, 2019-20; Land Use Committee, 2019-20.

Born in Providence, Rhode Island, June 22, 1941. Immaculata College, A.B. (english literature), 1963; University of Pennsylvania, M.A. (english literature), 1966. Administrator, Division of Geriatrics, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine at Hopkins Bayview, 1983-87. Adjunct faculty (writing, public speaking, urban affairs), 1995-2004, The Johns Hopkins University School of Professional Studies; Maryland Institute College of Art; University of Maryland Baltimore County. Board of Directors, Health and Welfare Council of Central Maryland, Inc., 1976-77. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 1988. Founding member, Board of Directors, Greater Homewood Community Corporation (past president & executive director). Board of Directors, St. Mary's Rolandview Towers. Married; four children; nine grandchildren.

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