The Department plans the physical growth and development of the County. It implements programs and projects to strengthen communities, improve housing opportunities, revitalize older commercial centers, and preserve rural resources.
At least every ten years, the Office prepares and revises the County Master Plan. The Office monitors the Plan's implementation, and reports every two years on the Plan to the County Executive and County Council (County Charter, Art. V, secs. 522-524; County Code, Art. 3, secs. 2-1201 through 2-1204).
Matters relating to planning and zoning are governed by both State and County laws. The Maryland Forest Conservation Act, for example, requires all county governments to adopt local forest conservation programs (Chapter 255, Acts of 1991; Code Natural Resources Article, secs. 5-1601 through 5-1613).
The Advisory Board is composed of five members who are appointed to five-year terms by the County Council (Code Agriculture Article, sec. 2-504.1).
The Panel consists of a standing panel of nine members who by profession or experience are knowledgeable in matters of design, including architects, landscape architects, and other design professionals, and a revolving panel of resident members who serve on specific review panels. The County Executive with County Council consent appoints the professional members to three-year terms, while the County Council appoints the resident members. The County Executive names one professional member as Chair (County Code, sec. 32-4-203).
A soil conservation district constitutes a political subdivision of the State, and a public body corporate and politic, excercising public powers. The District's Board of Supervisors conducts surveys, investigations, and research relating to the character of soil erosion. Within the District, the Board carries out preventive and control measures, including engineering operations, cultivation methods, the growing of vegetation, changes in land use, and other measures.
The Soil Conservation District Board of Supervisors consists six members who serve five-year terms. Five members are appointed by the State Soil Conservation Committee, and one is appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent (Code Agriculture Article, secs. 8-301 through 8-312).
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The Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board advises the County Council on the establishment of agricultural districts and the approval of purchases of easements within the County by the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation.
Under the Department of Planning, the Design Review Panel encourages design excellence through the application of design guidelines contained in the County's Master Plan, the Comprehensive Manual of Development Policies, adopted community plans, and/or the County Zoning Regulations (secs. 260.2 through 260.6). Assessing the overall quality of a project, the Panel acts in a technical consulting capacity; its recommendations are binding to the Hearing Officer and County agencies.
The Planning Board consists of fifteen members. Eight are appointed to three-year terms by the County Executive, and seven members, one from each Councilmanic district, are appointed to three-year terms by the County Council (Code Land Use Article, secs. 2-101 through 3-304).
The Baltimore County Soil Conservation District was established in 1944.
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