Appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent, the Commission consists of no fewer than twenty-three nor more than thirty-three members who serve three-year terms (County Charter, sec. 412; County Code, secs. 16-1 through 16-6).
The Local Development Council advises the County on the impact of the video lottery facility on the communities in immediate proximity to the facility, and on the needs and priorities of those communities. The Council also makes recommendations to the County and the Town of Perryville regarding the multi-year plans for expenditure of revenue from the facility.
Appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent, the Local Development Council consists of fifteen members (Code State Government Article, sec. 9-1A-31).
Within the County, the Division is responsible for the review and approval of development projects. Infrastructure plans concerning roads, storm drains, water, and wastewater also are evaluated by the Division. In addition, it also evaluates grading permits and stormwater management plans.
The Division accepts and processes applications for building and construction licenses, as well as applications for County building inspectors. Permits and licenses issued by the Division include improvements to electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems, as well as new construction. Permits are also required for the building or renovation of residential driveways, fences, pools, out-buildings, and yard grading. In addition, the Division issues Hawkers and Peddlers licenses, and licenses and inspects certain coin-operated machines and manufactured home parks located in the County.
New construction plans are reviewed by the Division, which also inspects rental properties for compliance with the County Rental Housing/Livability Code. Rental tenant grievances may be submitted to the Division, which reviews the compaint, and forwards it to the appropriate County inspector.
Working with numerous boards and agencies to ensure compliance of residents and contractors with State and local building and zoning regulations, the Division coordinates inspections of new and altered construction and buildings. Inspections are conducted by private contractors, reviewed by the Division, and approved by the County Council.
The Board conducts hearings regarding violations of the County’s electrical code. Cases heard involve appeals of fines, revocation of electrical license or permits, or allegations of practicing without a license. Cases requiring further legal action are heard by the Circuit Court.
Annually, the Board reports to the County Executive and County Council on its activities. Board minutes and records are maintained by the Department of Permits and Inspections.
Seven members comprise the Board, and are appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent to three-year terms (County Code, secs. 191-6 through 191-13).
The Board is appointed by County Executive with County Council consent (County Code, sec. 229-5(c)).
Three members constitute the Board. Two are appointed by County Executive with County Council consent to two-year terms. The County Health Officer serves ex officio (County Code, sec. 270-5).
The Division coordinates subdivision review, oversees the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area and flood management programs, and administers the Forest Conservation Act. The Division works to ensure that all land use complies with the County Zoning Ordinance, and that the goals and objectives of the County's Comprehensive Plan are implemented.
Matters relating to planning and zoning are governed by both State and County laws. The Maryland Forest Conservation Act, for example, requires all county governments to adopt local forest conservation programs (Chapter 255, Acts of 1991; Code Natural Resources Article, secs. 5-1601 through 5-1613).
The five members of the Advisory Board are appointed to five-year terms by the County Executive with County Council consent (Code Agriculture Article, sec. 2-504.1).
Appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent, the Committee consists of five members.
A soil conservation district constitutes a political subdivision of the State, and a public body corporate and politic, exercising public powers. The District's Board of Supervisors conducts surveys, investigations, and research relating to the character of soil erosion. Within the District, the Board carries out preventive and control measures, including engineering operations, cultivation methods, the growing of vegetation, changes in land use, and other measures.
The Soil Conservation District Board of Supervisors consists of five members who serve five-year terms. Four members are appointed by the State Soil Conservation Committee, and one is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (Code Agriculture Article, secs. 8-301 through 8-312).
In Cecil County, the Watershed Implementation Plan Advisory Committee was established in January 2011 to provide guidance on implementation strategies to help the County meet pollution reduction goals set for the County by the State.
The Committee's members are appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent to 2-year terms.
Appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent, the Board of Appeals consists of five members and one alternate who serve three-year terms (Code Land Use Article, secs. 4-101 through 4-406).
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The Economic Development Commission investigates and assembles information pertinent to the economic resources and industrial opportunities of the County; and encourages the location of new industrial enterprises and the expansions of present enterprises in the County. The Commission encourages the development of agribusiness and tourist business in the County, and promotes public awareness of the County's history and culture.
A local development council is established in each geographic area where a video lottery [slots gambling] facility is located (Chapter 5, Acts of 2007; Chapter 4, Acts of 2007 Special Session; Code State Government Article, sec. 9-1A-31). In Cecil County, a video lottery facility, called the Hollywood Casino, opened at Perryville on September 27, 2010.
The Department of Land Use and Development Services was created by Executive Order in April 2017. At that time, under the new department, the former Department of Planning and Zoning reformed as the Planning and Zoning Division, and the former Department of Permits and Inspections reorganized as the Permits and Inspections Division. Also, the former Development Review Division of the Department of Public Works transferred to the new department as the Development Plans Review Division.
In April 2017, the Development Services Division of the Department of Public Works transferred to the Department of Land Use and Development Services and became the Development Plans Review Division.
The Department of Permits and Inspections was created in 1986. Reformed as the Permits and Inspections Division, it was made part of the Department of Land Use and Development Services in April 2017.
Licensing electricians and electrical companies operating in the County, the Board of Electrical Examiners administers electrical license examinations and recommends applications for electrical inspection agencies for County Council approval. In addition, the Board advises the County Council on matters related to electrical standards and licensing regulations, and meets with other municipal and local government agencies to approve reciprocity agreements regarding license and permit holders.
The Mechanical Code Board hears appeals of citations issued by the Permits and Inspections Division regarding violations of the State mechanical code.
Advising the County Executive and County Council on plumbing-related matters and regulations, the Plumbing Board hears disputes between property owners and the County Plumbing Inspector. Appealed Board rulings are heard by the Circuit Court.
In April 2017, the former Department of Planning and Zoning reformed as the Planning and Zoning Division within Department of Land Use and Development Services.
The Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board advises the County Executive and County Council on the establishment of agricultural districts and the approval of purchases of easements within the County by the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation.
The Agricultural Reconciliation Committee arbitrates and mediates disputes involving agricultural operations conducted on agricultural lands. The Committee issues opinions on whether such operations conform with generally accepted agricultural management practices.
Appointed to three-year terms by the County Executive with County Council consent, seven members make up the Commission (Code Land Use Article, secs. 8-101 through 8-501; County Zoning Ordinance, Art. XI, part IV, sec. 245)
The Planning Commission consists of five members and one alternate appointed to three-year terms by the County Executive with County Council consent (Code Land Use Article, secs. 2-101 through 3-304).
In Cecil County, the Soil Conservation District was established in June 1945.
To set limits on the amount of nutrients and sediment that can enter Chesapeake Bay, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in December 2010 required states within the Bay watershed to develop statewide watershed implementation plans.
The Board of Appeals hears and decides appeals where it is alleged there is any error in any zoning order, requirement, decision, or determination. It also interprets district boundaries on official zoning maps. Upon appeal, in specific cases, the Board may authorize such variances as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement would result in unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty.
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