In Harford County, the Department of Planning and Zoning oversees two divisions: Comprehensive Planning, and Current Planning (Code Local Government Article, sec. 10-324; County Charter, secs. 405, 701-709).
The policy of the State of Maryland is to preserve and protect the scenic, geologic, ecologic, historic, recreational, agricultural, fish, wildlife, cultural, and other values of its scenic rivers; as well as to enhance their water quality, and fulfill vital conservation purposes by wise use of resources within their surrounding environment. The Deer Creek Scenic River Advisory Board seeks to preserve and protect these values for Deer Creek.
Originally established by the Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board (Code Natural Resources Article, secs. 8-403 (b)(3)), the Deer Creek Scenic River Advisory Board was reconstituted by Harford County government upon completion of an approved management plan (Code Natural Resources Article, secs. 8-403 (g)).
Today, the Board consists of nine members appointed to three-year terms by the County Executive with County Council consent (Code Natural Resources Article, secs. 8-401 through 8-411).
Appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent, the five members of the Advisory Board serve five-year terms (Code Agriculture Article, sec. 2-504.1).
Appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent, the Commission consists of eleven members and two alternates who serve three-year terms. The County Executive names the Chair (Code Land Use Article, secs. 8-101 through 8-501; Code Local Government Article, sec. 10-325; County Code, secs. 9-176.17 through 9-176.24).
The Board consists of five members appointed to four-year terms by the County Executive with County Council consent. The County Executive names the Chair (Code Land Use Article, secs. 2-101 through 3-304; County Charter, sec. 406; County Code, secs. 9-109 through 9-115).
The Soil Conservation District Board of Supervisors consists six members who serve five-year terms. Five members are appointed by the State Soil Conservation Committee, and one is appointed by the County Executive with County Council consent (Code Agriculture Article, secs. 8-301 through 8-312).
The County Council constitutes the Board of Appeals (Code Land Use Article, secs. 4-101 through 4-406; Code Local Government Article, sec. 10-305; County Code, sec. 267-9).
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In Harford County, Deer Creek is part of the Scenic and Wild Rivers Program overseen by the Department of Natural Resources. Under that program, a scenic river is defined as a "free-flowing river whose shoreline and related land are predominantly forested, agricultural, grassland, marshland, or swampland with a minimum of development for at least 2 miles of the river length" [Natural Resources Article, sec. 8-402(d)(2)].
The Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board advises the County Council on the establishment of agricultural districts and the approval of purchases of easements within the County by the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation.
The Historic Preservation Commission advises the County Executive on the protection, enhancement, and perpetuation of structures and sites that represent or reflect elements of the County's cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history. In this way, the Commission works to ensure that historical and architectural qualities of County historic landmarks are preserved, and to foster civic pride in the beauty and noble accomplishments of the County's historic and cultural heritage. In addition, the Commission maintains and updates the Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties for Harford County; and reviews all petitions for designation to the Harford County Register of Historic Places and submits recommendations to the County Council.
To the Director of Planning and the County Council, the Planning Advisory Board makes recommendations relating to master plans, zoning maps, and rules and regulations
relating to planning and zoning. At the request of the County Executive, the Board considers a list of all capital projects and the capital improvement program which all agencies of the County government propose to undertake in the ensuing fiscal year and the next succeeding five fiscal years thereafter. At least once every eight years, the Board prepares general guidelines for use by the Department of Planning and Zoning in the preparation or revision of master plans.
A soil conservation district constitutes a political subdivision of the State, and a public body corporate and politic, excercising public powers. The District's Board of Supervisors conducts surveys, investigations, and research relating to the character of soil erosion. Within the District, the Board carries out preventive and control measures, including engineering operations, cultivation methods, the growing of vegetation, changes in land use, and other measures.
The Board of [Zoning] Appeals hears and decides appeals where it is alleged there is any error in any zoning order, requirement, decision, or determination. It also interprets district boundaries on official zoning maps. Upon appeal, in specific cases, the Board may authorize such variances as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement would result in unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty.
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