[photo, Michael J. Pantelides, Mayor of Annapolis] MICHAEL J. PANTELIDES
Mayor of Annapolis (Republican), 2013-17

Mayor of Annapolis, December 2, 2013 to December 4, 2017. Member, Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, 2013-17; State Commission on the Capital City, 2013-17. Vice-Chair, Board of Directors, Baltimore Metropolitan Council, 2014. Member, Governor's Workforce Development Board, 2016-17.

Executive Director, Office of Small Business Regulatory Assistance, Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation (now Maryland Department of Labor), 2018- .

Member, Small Business Resources and Data Collection Work Group, 2018-19.

Born in Annapolis, Maryland, September 5, 1983. Eagle Scout, 2001. Attended Germantown Elementary School, Annapolis, Maryland; St. Martin's Lutheran School, Annapolis, Maryland; Archbishop Spalding High School, Severn, Maryland; West Virginia University, B.A. (philosophy), 2007. Government relations sales executive, Vocus Government Relations and PAC Management Software. Advertising account executive, Capital Gazette, 2011, and Baltimore Sun, 2011-12. Board of Directors, 21st Century Education Foundation, 2011-. President, Germantown-Homewood Civic Association, 2012-13 (vice-president, 2011-12). Member, Annapolis Jaycees, 2011-. Member, at large, Annapolis Republican Central Committee. Member, Chesapeake Bay Foundation; Sierra Club. Man of the Year, Anne Arundel County Republican Party, 2014.

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