NOVEMBER 3, 2020

[vote for three]

David Bass* 43,262
Rae M. Gallagher 41,623
Lois A. Jarman 39,555
Jason (Mr. J) Johnson* 46,717
Sue Johnson* 61,130
Dean Rose 39,130
Paulette Anders (write-in) 8,389
Other write-ins 5,308


Question A:

This Charter Amendment would amend the Frederick County Charter to require the County Executive to provide any information that is requested by an individual County Council member which is for the purpose of introducing and evaluating legislation or to engage in the review and monitoring of Government programs, activities, and policy implementation.

For* Against
105,032 18,426
% of Total 85.1% 14.9%

Question B:

This Charter Amendment would amend the Frederick County Charter to reduce the percentage of assessable property the County can pledge for debt from 5 to 3 percent of assessable real property, and from 15 to 9 percent of assessable personal property.

For* Against
90,675 27,568
% of Total 76.7% 23.3%

Question C:

This Charter Amendment would amend the Frederick County Charter to provide that the County Council shall fill a vacancy on the Council by choosing one of three persons from a list submitted by the central committee of the same political party as the vacating member. If no list is submitted or the vacating member was not a member of a political party, the Council shall appoint a person it deems best qualified to hold office. If the Council fails to fill the vacancy within 45 days, the County Executive shall fill the vacancy by following the same procedure. All persons considered for appointment shall be presented to the public and shall be interviewed by either the Council or Executive, allowing for public comment, prior to appointment. If the vacancy occurs in the first year of the vacating member's term, after a person is appointed to temporarily fill the vacancy, a special election will be held to elect and fill the vacancy for the balance of the term.

For* Against
93,084 28,143
% of Total 76.8% 23.2%

Question D:

This Charter Amendment would amend the Frederick County Charter to provide a process to fill a vacancy in the position of County Executive. The County Council shall fill a vacancy of the Executive by choosing one of three persons from a list submitted by the central committee of the same political party as the vacating Executive. If no list is submitted or the vacating Executive was not a member of a political party, the Council shall appoint a person it deems best qualified to hold office. If the Council fails to fill the vacancy within 45 days, the Council shall appoint the County's Chief Administrative Officer. All persons considered for appointment shall be presented to the public and shall be interviewed, allowing for public comment, prior to appointment. If the vacancy occurs in the first year of the vacating Executive's term, after a person is appointed to temporarily fill the vacancy, a special election will be held to elect and fill the vacancy for the balance of the term.

For* Against
92,362 28,314
% of Total 76.5% 23.5%

* = winner

Source: Frederick County Board of Elections

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